San Diego Bicycle Accident Lawyer: Protecting Cyclists’ Rights


San Diego Bicycle Accident Lawyer Protecting Cyclists' Rights

Bicycling is an increasingly popular mode of transportation and recreation in San Diego. With its beautiful weather and scenic routes, it’s no wonder more and more people are taking to two wheels. 

As the number of cyclists on San Diego’s roads grows, so does the risk of devastating bicycle accidents. 

If you or a loved one has been injured in a bike crash, it’s crucial to have an experienced San Diego bicycle accident lawyer on your side to protect your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve.

Turn to a Firm with Over 140 Recoveries Over $1 Million!

At The McClellan Law Firm, our team of skilled bicycle accident attorneys has a proven track record of success. With over 140 case results of $1 million or more, we have the experience and resources to take on even the most complex cases. 

Our lawyers are committed to thoroughly investigating every accident, gathering crucial evidence, and building strong cases to maximize our clients’ recoveries.

Helping Clients Recover After Bike Crashes in San Diego

Bicycle accidents can result in catastrophic injuries, from broken bones and head trauma to spinal cord damage and permanent disabilities. At our firm, we understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll these crashes can take on victims and their families. 

That’s why we work tirelessly to help our clients recover the compensation they need to cover medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

Our attorneys have successfully represented San Diego cyclists injured due to:

  • Driver negligence (distracted driving, speeding, failure to yield, etc.)
  • Hazardous road conditions (potholes, debris, lack of bike lanes, etc.)
  • Defective bicycle or vehicle parts
  • Hit-and-run accidents

No matter the cause of the accident, we diligently pursue every available avenue to hold the responsible parties accountable.

How Do Bicycle Accidents Often Occur?

How Do Bicycle Accidents Often Occur

While the causes of bicycle accidents can vary, some of the most common contributing factors include:

  1. Driver Inattention: Motorists who are distracted by cell phones, eating, adjusting the radio, or other activities pose a major hazard to cyclists sharing the road.
  2. Speeding: Excessive speed greatly increases the risk of bicycle accidents and the severity of injuries when a crash occurs.
  3. Failure to Yield Right of Way: Drivers often fail to yield to cyclists at intersections, driveways, or when making turns, leading to dangerous collisions.
  4. Impaired Driving: Alcohol and drug impairment significantly impairs a driver’s ability to safely operate a vehicle and react to cyclists on the road.
  5. Road Hazards: Poorly maintained roads with potholes, debris, or lack of designated bike lanes can cause cyclists to lose control and crash.
  6. Mechanical Failures: Defective bicycle components (brakes, tires, etc.) or automotive parts can contribute to accidents.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), [insert relevant statistics on bicycle accident causes and injuries in San Diego or California].

California Bicycle Laws

In California, bicycles are considered vehicles under the law, and cyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as motorists when using public roads. Some key laws for San Diego bicyclists include:

  • Bicycles must be ridden as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, except when overtaking another vehicle, preparing for a left turn, or avoiding hazards.
  • Cyclists must ride in the same direction as other traffic and obey all traffic signals and signs.
  • Bicyclists must use hand signals to indicate turns or stops.
  • Helmets are required for anyone under 18 years old.
  • Bicycles must have a white front light and red rear reflector for nighttime riding.

Understanding and following these laws can not only help prevent accidents but also strengthen a cyclist’s case for recovering compensation if a crash does occur.

Safety Tips for San Diego Bicyclists

While drivers have a responsibility to share the road safely with cyclists, there are also steps bicyclists can take to reduce their risk of being involved in an accident:

  • Wear a Helmet – Helmets can dramatically reduce the risk of head injuries.
  • Use Lights and Reflective Gear – Increase visibility by equipping your bike with lights, reflectors, and wearing bright clothing, especially at night.
  • Obey Traffic Laws – Follow all traffic signals, signs, and laws just as you would when driving a vehicle.
  • Stay Alert and Predictable – Ride defensively, avoid distractions like cell phones, and signal your intentions to drivers.
  • Choose Safe Routes – When possible, opt for low-traffic streets, designated bike lanes, or bike paths.
  • Inspect Your Bicycle – Perform regular safety checks to ensure brakes, tires, and other components are in good working condition.

Even the most cautious cyclists can still be involved in an accident due to a driver’s negligence. That’s why having a skilled San Diego bicycle accident lawyer is so important if you’ve been injured in a crash.

Call The McClellan Law Firm for a Free Review

If you or someone you love has been hurt in a bicycle accident in San Diego, don’t wait to get the legal help you need. Contact The McClellan Law Firm today for a free, no-obligation consultation. Our team will review the details of your case and advise you of your options for pursuing compensation. Don’t try to navigate the complexities of a bicycle accident claim alone. Let our experienced attorneys fight for the justice and fair recovery you deserve.

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What To Do And What To Avoid After A Bicycle Accident

Taking the right actions after a bicycle accident can be crucial for protecting your health, preserving evidence, and strengthening your ability to recover compensation. Here are some important steps to follow:

✔️ Call 911 – Report the accident and request emergency medical assistance if needed.

✔️ Collect Evidence – If possible, take photos/videos of the accident scene, damage, injuries, and gather contact information from any witnesses.

✔️ Seek Medical Attention – Even if injuries seem minor, see a doctor right away. Some conditions may not be immediately apparent.

✔️ Report the Accident – Notify your insurance company about the crash, but avoid providing a recorded statement or details that could jeopardize your claim.

✔️ Contact a Bicycle Accident Lawyer – An experienced attorney can launch an immediate investigation, handle communications with insurance companies, and build your case.

Don’t Admit Fault – Never apologize or accept blame for the accident, even partially. This could be used against you later.

Don’t Provide a Recorded Statement – Insurance adjusters may try to get you to make statements that minimize the coverage you’re owed.

Don’t Accept the First Settlement Offer – Initial offers are often lowball amounts that don’t fully compensate your damages. Let your lawyer negotiate for maximum compensation.

Can I get compensation after a bicycle accident?

Can I get compensation after a bicycle accident

If you’ve been injured in a bicycle accident in San Diego caused by someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing, you may be entitled to compensation for:

  • Medical Expenses: For emergency treatment, hospitalization, surgery, medication, physical therapy, and future care needs related to your injuries.
  • Lost Wages: Recovery for any income you’ve lost from being unable to work due to your injuries, as well as diminished future earning capacity.
  • Property Damage: To repair or replace your bicycle, clothing, gear, or other personal property damaged in the crash.
  • Pain and Suffering: Monetary damages for the physical pain, emotional distress, and diminished qualify of life caused by your injuries.
  • Punitive Damages: In cases of gross negligence or intentional harm, punitive damages may be awarded to punish the at-fault party’s egregious actions.

An experienced San Diego bicycle accident lawyer will thoroughly investigate your case to determine all sources of liability and damages you may be owed. 

They’ll then aggressively negotiate with insurance companies or take your case to trial to pursue the maximum compensation possible.

Can I still get compensation if I was partially at fault for a bicycle accident?

Thanks to California’s “pure comparative negligence” laws, you can still recover compensation even if you were partially at fault for causing a bicycle accident. However, your awarded damages will be reduced by your percentage of responsibility.

For example, if a jury finds you were 20% at fault and awards $100,000 in total damages, you would receive $80,000 (the full award minus the 20% you were liable for).

Even if you think you may have contributed to causing the accident, do not admit any fault.

Why are bike accidents becoming so common?

Bicycle accidents in San Diego and across California have been on the rise in recent years due to several key factors:

  1. Increased Bicycling Popularity
    • With higher gas prices, traffic congestion, and environmental awareness, more people are turning to bicycles for commuting and recreation.
    • This puts more cyclists on already crowded urban roads, increasing interactions with vehicles.
  2. Distracted Driving Epidemic
    • Despite laws prohibiting it, the widespread use of cell phones and other technology behind the wheel has resulted in many distracted driving accidents involving bicyclists.
  3. Lack of Bicycle Infrastructure
    • San Diego and other cities have been slow to implement protected bike lanes, trails, and other infrastructure to keep cyclists safely separated from motor vehicle traffic.
  4. Aggressive Driving Behaviors
    • Speeding, running red lights/stop signs, and other aggressive driving maneuvers by impatient motorists endanger vulnerable bicycle riders.

According to the latest data from the California Highway Patrol, [insert relevant statewide or local statistics showing the increasing trend of bicycle accidents and injuries/fatalities].

As the number of cyclists continues growing, investing in better bicycle infrastructure and education on sharing the road is crucial for public safety.

San Diego Bicycle Accident Case Results

At The McClellan Law Firm, our dedication to our clients shows in our case results. Here are some examples of major settlements and verdicts we have won for injured San Diego cyclists:

Case SummaryInjuriesResult
Client was struck by a distracted driver while riding bikeTraumatic brain injury, multiple fractures$4.2 million settlement
Bicycle crash caused by vehicle running stop signSpinal cord injury resulting in paralysis$7.8 million verdict
Cyclist injured by commercial truck driver’s failure to yieldSevere road rash, facial lacerations$1.1 million settlement
Hit-and-run bicycle accident causing collapsed lung, broken bonesMultiple injuries requiring surgery$2.6 million settlement

“After my cycling accident, I was overwhelmed and unsure of my options. The McClellan Law Firm took the burden off my shoulders and fought tirelessly to get me the compensation I deserved. I’m so grateful for their support and legal expertise during such a difficult time.” – Michael T., Client

While we are proud of these case results, every bicycle accident claim is unique. We cannot guarantee a particular outcome, but we can assure you that our team will work tirelessly to maximize your recovery.

Contact a Top San Diego Bicycle Accident Lawyer Today

If you’ve been injured in a bike accident, contact a top San Diego bicycle accident lawyer today for expert legal assistance. A specialized attorney can help you navigate the legal process, gather crucial evidence, and negotiate with insurance companies. 

They work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you pay only if you win. With their expertise, you can seek compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. Don’t delay protect your rights and get the support you need.

Frequently Ask Question’s

How much do accident attorneys charge in California?

Accident attorneys in California typically charge a contingency fee, around 33% to 40% of the settlement or award.

What happens when you have a bike accident?

In a bike accident, you should assess injuries, seek medical attention, and gather evidence from the scene.

What happens if I get hit on my bike?

If hit on your bike, seek medical help, report the incident to authorities, and document details for insurance claims.

How do you treat a bike accident?

Treat bike accident injuries by cleaning wounds, applying ice, seeking medical attention, and following up with a healthcare provider.

How do I claim for bike damage?

To claim for bike damage, contact your insurance company, provide accident details, and submit repair cost estimates or receipts.

Final Thought

A San Diego bicycle accident lawyer specializes in protecting cyclists’ rights, offering expert legal guidance and support after an accident. These lawyers help injured cyclists navigate the complexities of personal injury claims, gather crucial evidence, and negotiate with insurance companies for fair compensation. 

Working on a contingency fee basis, they ensure clients only pay if they win. With their expertise, cyclists can seek compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other damages, ensuring their rights are upheld and their needs are met.

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